The Secret Society - Hidden Mystery Wiki
Circus in Text mode

Circus in Text mode

Circus, the 89th picture in the game, was introduced to the game with v1.44.4900, the Unforgettable Show Update (June 2020).

Circus is unlocked, available to "pay to play" at Experience level 368. Players can wait to play for the picture fragments at Experience level 370.

As the picture level increases, more extra items will be added to the scene.  These items are not among the hidden object items to be found, and they will change from play to play.

From the Diary:

Under the Big Top

Some love the circus; others don't. Grotesque is normal here. Beauty and deformity are so close that you can't tell them apart. A fancy show under the big top leaves a deep impression and long-lasting memories. Clowns, acrobats, tamers, magicians... there's always someone to amaze you.

Hidden Items[]

The following is a list of hidden items found in Circus. The forms of the items vary, and pairs are not identical. In Silhouette mode, the silhouette will change to represent the form of the item to be found during this play.

Depending on the Picture Level and Game Mode you may not have to find all the items in one visit.

  • Balloon
  • Barrel organ
  • Bicycle
  • Binoculars
  • Birdcage
  • Bow
  • Candelabrum
  • Chest
  • Clown
  • Clown shoe
  • Crystal ball
  • Glove
  • Hand fan
  • Horseshoe
  • Juggling club
  • Kettle bell
  • Kite
  • Ladder
  • Mask
  • Megaphone
  • Rope
  • Target
  • Throwing knife
  • Trombone
  • Whirligig

Resource Demands and Rewards for Playing[]

The amount of energy required to play Circus will increase as the level of the Picture is increased. The experience points and coins rewards for each win of the Picture will also increase to match the increase in resource demands: The pool of rewards available for each successful play of Circus includes several Collection Items from the following Collections:

Level Resource Demands Minimum Rewards Potential Game Item Rewards Pool
Energy Points Special Items Experience Points Coins Combining Elements; Anomaly Banishing Items Collection Items
Novice 121 -- 1150 430 None Candy recipe, Cocoa beans, Blender, Cocoa butter
Trainee 124 -- 1160 440 Same as Novice level
Nuts, Postcards, Flower basket
Detective 127 -- 1170 450 Same as Novice level
Bunny garland, Ribbons
Pro 130 -- 1180 460 Same as Novice level
Easter wreath, Chocolate bunny, Chocolate eggs
High Explorer 133 -- 1190 470 Same as Novice level
Crème egg, White chocolate egg
Academician 136 -- 1200 480 Same as Novice level
Surprise egg, Eggs, Dye kit
Magister 139 -- 1210 490 Same as Novice level
Vinegar, Egg dipper
Professor 142 -- 1220 500 Same as Novice level
Magic crayon, Spoons, Sawhorse
Grand Magister 145 -- 1230 510 Same as Novice level
Picnic throw, Lemonade, Hat

Historical Information[]

During the Unforgettable Show Update, players could open Circus from level 7 and up.

During the Unforgettable Show Update, Entertainer Statuette Special Items were needed in addition to energy points to play Circus. 



